Friday 2 August 2013

Benefits of coconut.

Benefits of coconut.

           here i will discuss where the oil is very much the point.
starts from the root. roots are often used to treat skin problems and fever, roots and boiled in coconut and apply to the itchy areas and for fever boiled coconut roots and make a compress.

  and greener coconuts are very good young body to replace ion. on the other side of the coconut water good in use when a person is bitten by a snake and can be used to replace the water infusion.
Coconut water is also able to neutralize toxins that enter the body. when someone menggalami poisoning and no medical tools. coconut water can help to in Drinks to the victim in order to neutralize the toxins that poison can not evolve towards the vital cells.
For coconut water is very good for pregnant women because the coconut water to clean the dirt on the wall of the uterus so that when the birthing process will be easy and not cause a lot of bleeding. Coconut water and also helped shape the composition of the fetus is able to reduce defects in the fetus and making birth Normal.

Benefit Leaf JARAK PAGAR

                 This leaves very much to grow in moist areas because these plants will die if they live in areas exposed to direct sunlight, these plants often live in the paddy fields or sub-tropical berdaerah. This plant has a stem that looks flexible but have a sap.

The sap of this plant is often used when there is no medical help. to deal with injuries caused by incisions or burns. so that nodes are able to help close the wound and neutralize bacteria.

leaves of this plant are often used to help treat people affected in the wind and fever by placing the leaves on the sore area.