Friday 31 May 2013

Information about papaya

Information About Papaya

           Papaya contains nutrients that are very abundant and very well taken the children to the elderly (elderly), to maintain a healthy body. In addition, the fruit is thought to have come from Costa Rica and Mexico, can be obtained anywhere and anytime, because it does not know the fruit season, so it could continue to grow throughout the period.
All parts of papaya, starting from the root to the tip of the leaves and fruit-including interest, has high medical value
Papaya flower that has been cooked and sweetened with sugar, can be used to treat jaundice and bronchitis Papaya tree bark, can be used as a toothache remedy Root and sap of papaya has

Benefits of drinking water while sitting

View of the drinking water in Islam.

Why is that Islam prohibits drinking while standing ?

Benefits of drinking water while sitting

Drinking while standing is not allowed by the Prophet Muhammad.
A friend asked, how about eating while standing. Directly answered firmly by the Prophet SAW, "It was much less ..." and so on.

Drinking while standing results in impaired kidney and urinary tract.
Because the drink while sitting, then a lot of positive energy that will be obtained mainly for health. Therefore, though very thirsty, drink by sitting, not standing.

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

        Very much indeed, beneficial aloe vera for hair, skin, acne, and even to be used as a natural remedy in some parts of the human body.

Aloe vera is a kind of plant that is known to be used as a natural remedy for the outside of the body or to the inside of the body such as hair growth, wound healing, and used for skin care.
Benefits of aloe vera is often used as an alternative material to the various body parts of the complaint or the outside. The more famous the benefits of aloe vera to make the Egyptians called aloe plant as the plant of immortality.
Benefits of Aloe vera can be used for a variety of complaints, both in the outside or the inside of the human body. Given the health benefits it is remarkable that people are increasingly turning to natural and alternative medicine. If we summarize and go into the actual benefits of the aloe vera plant, among others, are as follows.

Efficacy of Red Betel

Efficacy of Red Betel

         Red Betel content of the red betel itself, the following is the content or the substance that is in the red betel. In general, the content of red betel compounds are classified into 3 equally rich in virtue. 3 These compounds are:
Flavonoids and polivenol
Benefits of flavonoids and polivenol itself is a compound for preventing cancer, can also be used as an antiseptic, antiflamasi, antioxidants, and also antideabetik.
Compound alkoloid
Alkoloid compound has a function similar to the first compound. This compound is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the human body.
olevenolad compounds, tannins, volatile oil

all of which is necessary for human health. Efficacy of red betel is very useful for people, especially for those suffering from diseases Yag bleak mentioned above, or also for those who want to carry out preventive measures.basis of medical theory is very much like the above. But there are many more benefits of red betel even without people who have high medical knowledge knows the efficacy of this red betel. Some properties of red betel commonly found in everyday life other antaraa: Treating itching, sores, treat bone tuberculosis, treating diabetes mellitus or commonly known as Diabetes, Treating Ulcer, Kidney Stone, Whitish, treat and relieve sore throat, megobati toothache due to dental cavities, bleeding gums Inhibit, treat ulcers and eliminate bad breath and still a lot of red betel efficacy.

Indonesian people themselves have long used plant this one though mostly only used for the railing on the past .red betel can be as efficacious as an antiseptic to prevent bacteria live in our bodies and can also eliminate body odor naturally through the red betel cooking water. In fact not only that, some time ago, various studies have also revealed the efficacy of red betel able to cure dangerous diseases such as diabetes, cancer, gout, hepatitis, gastritis and inveksi, high blood pressure, Ambien and others as his.

Red betel leaves which are rich in health benefits for the human body.

Red betel since time immemorial it has been known sebagau leaves that can be used as an ingredient for medicine whether traditional or modern, as now.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Benefits of Red Rice For Supporting Healthy Baby

 Benefits of Red Rice For Supporting Healthy Baby
brown rice
Infancy is the golden period. That is, the future is an opportunity for parents to optimize the growth and development of the baby. This can be achieved by a variety of efforts. One is through eating parenting.
Baby's health is supported from a food intake for infants. Therefore, every mother ought to pay attention to the food source of infant nutrition. One of the good food for babies is brown rice. Because brown rice contains a variety of substances important for good infant nutrition intake to be supporting the baby's health.
Some of the benefits of brown rice are:

The content of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are quite high, very suitable for the development of the baby's body. Because these vitamins spur energy generation in the cell body of the baby.