Friday 31 May 2013

Information about papaya

Information About Papaya

           Papaya contains nutrients that are very abundant and very well taken the children to the elderly (elderly), to maintain a healthy body. In addition, the fruit is thought to have come from Costa Rica and Mexico, can be obtained anywhere and anytime, because it does not know the fruit season, so it could continue to grow throughout the period.
All parts of papaya, starting from the root to the tip of the leaves and fruit-including interest, has high medical value
Papaya flower that has been cooked and sweetened with sugar, can be used to treat jaundice and bronchitis Papaya tree bark, can be used as a toothache remedy Root and sap of papaya has
remarkable properties. Both contain the active non-nutrient substances, namely karpain, karposit, kautsyuk, and papayotin, which could serve as an antibiotic
Based on the results of a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people who ate the fruit contains pectin, have a sense of satiety four hours longer than people who also eat fruit, but do not contain pectin
Eating papaya regularly, can keep us from the risk of bladder cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lung cancer. In addition, eating papaya on a regular basis also makes mucus-intestinal that negatively affect our digestive system-can be reduced, even intestinal parasites can be digested.
From the results of papaya seminar organized by the Directorate of Fruit Crops Directorate General of Horticulture in Fruit Garden Mekarsari, revealed some important information about the benefits of eating papaya, among them:

1.Pepaya able to influence human growth hormone, which can help increase muscle tone and reduce fat    accumulation in the body,

2. Papaya can help accelerate the process of protein digestion,

3.Pepaya able to assist arrangement of amino acids and assist the process of detoxification of toxins from the body. Thus, the immune system will be increasing.

4. Papaya helps improve sperm quality. Papaya was shown to significantly help the process of fertility in men. By taking vitamin C contained by papaya 500 milligrams per day, then the man can improve sperm count, stimulate them to be more fertile, and-most importantly-accelerate the movement of sperm, which in turn accelerates the occurrence of pregnancy.

5.Pepaya is one of the fruits that serve as a very good source of antioxidants, which can be relied upon to get rid of free radicals trigger cancer, as papaya contains vitamin C and carotene in amounts quite a lot.

Given the many benefits to be gained from eating papaya, papaya is better inserted in the list of foods that will be consumed. You certainly would not refuse a promising fruit digestive health, reduce fat, and reduce your risk of developing cancer

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