Sunday 2 June 2013

Tempuyung plant

Tempuyung plant 

Kidney Stone crusher plant. This plant grows in damp areas such as in the mountains. in terms of the singular tempuyung plant leaves. Her single trunk and facing the sun. Her stringy roots. Plants that have a scientific name Sonchus arvenshis (L), but the overall size is no wider than a dinner plate. Dull green color and not at all attractive to be used as ornamental plants. tenaman tempuyung was not too foreign because it is often used as a complementary or complementary therapies as kidney stone crushers. able to break down the content of potassium oxalate and calcium carbonate crystals forming kidney stones. In experiments of human kidney stones in water with leaf decoction tempuyung certain temperature. The results showed, severe kidney stones decreased while levels of calcium in the soaking water to grow. These findings suggest that calcium is one of the elements forming kidney stones may break by soaking the leaves tempuyung. However, the use of water as a decoction of the leaves tempuyung medical therapy has not been widely used. although, its still as complementary or complementary modern treatment and not as an alternative to the more potent. Based on the research, tempuyung contains many chemical compounds, such as the flavonoid (kaempferol, luteolin-7-O-glucoside and apigenin-7-O-glucoside), coumarin, taraksasterol and free phenolic acids. Total flavonoid content in leaves tempuyung 0.1044%, 0.5% plant roots with the greatest species are apigenin-7-O-glycosides (3,4,5). While other libraries mentioned that tempuyung leaves contain chemical compounds such as luteolin, flavones, flavonols and Auron. Flavonoid that is thought to cause diuresis effects on the kidneys, but the mechanism of action is still needed further research in order to know in full.

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