Saturday 8 June 2013

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic not only spices, but traditionally also used for different types of workers pengobatan.Para Romans and Ancient Egyptians used garlic to increase their physical endurance. In the 20th century, used garlic to fight global influenza pandemic. Currently, more than 5,000 scientific publications from around the world have gradually confirmed the health benefits of garlic, which include antibiotic properties, anti-cholesterol, anti-hypertensive, anti-fungal and many others.

Health benefits of garlic is mainly derived from the two substances contained therein, which allicin and diallyl sulphides.

Allicin is the main active component of garlic. First reported by CJ Cavallito in 1944, allicin is the key ingredient responsible for the broad spectrum of anti-bacterial activity in garlic. The research also showed that allicin role of cholesterol lowering, anti-clotting, anti-hypertensive, anti-cancer, antioxidant and anti-microbial. Because the effect of anti-fungus, garlic has long been used as a folk medicine to treat skin infections, such as athlete's foot (athlete's foot).

Chemical properties of garlic are very complex. Fresh garlic contains an enzyme (called allinase) and alliin, which is contained in different parts of the plant. The unique structure was designed as a defense mechanism against pathogenic soil microbes. When fungi or other pathogens invade the land of garlic, crushed membrane compartment, and within 10 seconds, all the alliin is converted into a new compound called allicin. It is a very efficient weapon for defense systems garlic active only in specific locations for short periods of time, while others remain alliin allinase and stored in compartments each and are available for further microbial attack. Allicin is produced too much of it can be harmful for the network and plant enzymes.


Allicin is not found in fresh garlic. This is because fresh garlic consists of 65% water and only contains alliin, allicin is not. One clove of fresh garlic may contain alliin 6-14 mg per gram. Natural allicin potential is 2.5 to 5.1 mcg per gram alliin. To get allicin, garlic should be finely chopped or diuleg. The more refined and intensive cutting, the more allicin is generated and the stronger the effect of the medicine. Allicin, which makes the distinctive smell of garlic chopped, quickly broken. Allicin will be damaged if allowed to stand within a few minutes at room temperature or if cooked too long.

Some people prefer garlic supplements. Garlic pills and capsules have the advantage of not having a pungent smell of garlic. However, the products do not contain allicin. Dried garlic powder only contains allinase and alliin. At equal weight, dried garlic powder had higher levels of alliin three times more than fresh garlic. To maintain allinase sensitive to stomach acid (so alliin can be converted into allicin), dried garlic powder is usually coated capsule that protects it from stomach acid, so the allicin can be produced in the intestines.

Diallyl sulfide

Diallyl sulfide is another component in garlic is beneficial to health, though not as strong as allicin. Diallyl sulfide is the decomposition of allicin, making it more stable than allicin. Active power is not declining rapidly and can persist after cooked.

Diallyl sulfide do not have anti-fungal properties such as allicin. However, this substance is reportedly good for blood circulation, help lower levels of bad cholesterol and boost the immune system. Diallyl sulfide beneficial to detoxify cells, thus preventing damage to the liver cells, intestinal and nervous. With support detoxification of the liver, diallyl sulfide may protect the liver during chemotherapy. Garlic can prevent the development of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease. Several studies indicate that diallyl sulfide was the one who was primarily responsible for the action.

Tips for You
Garlic is very strong and needs to be treated properly:

  • Be careful when you chop garlic. Too much contact with minced garlic can cause skin irritation.
  • Stop eating garlic if you have allergies. Some people are allergic to garlic. Symptoms of garlic allergy include skin rash, fever and headache.
  • Cooking too long and use a microwave to destroy allicin and eliminate health benefits. So that the effect of the medicine is stronger, chopped fresh garlic and mix with dishes just before serving. Do not overdo add garlic, too much garlic can irritate the stomach and may even damage the digestive tract.
  • If you are taking garlic supplements, break consumption with small daily doses but often rather than one large daily dose.
  • If you are taking any pharmaceutical medication, check with your doctor first if you can take a garlic supplement. In general, the pharmaceutical drugs and herbal supplements should be given a delay of 2 hours in order to avoid drug interactions.
  • Do not take garlic supplements if you are taking blood-thinning drugs or medications that thin the blood effect (such as aspirin, warfarin, etc.). Properties of garlic thins the blood can duplicate the effects of the drug to a dangerous level. Garlic also potentially disrupt anti-coagulants, so should be avoided before and after surgery.

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