Tuesday 18 June 2013

Goose egg for Health

               What you know in the medical usefulness of goose eggs. many uses in health goose eggs. ansa eggs are larger in size even two times larger than chicken eggs. goose egg white pale but which have shells pretty loud.
in chicken eggs kesehatn very useful to connect the broken bone or bones that have problems in bone health.   in the yellow or white goose egg contains a lot of good for the skin Collagen. people who frequently eat goose eggs will look younger because of the collagen content contained in the goose egg.
 people who eat goose eggs will be more clever because its much content in eggs is needed by the brain.
 in the goose egg contains a lot of Vitamin A, E, so it is good for the eyes and skin.
 goose eggs are also good to keep the fertility of both men and women.

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