Saturday 8 June 2013

Pomegranate fruit is beneficial

Pomegranate fruit is beneficial

Pomegranate has been used thousands of years as a food. Pomegranate seeds ever found in the Middle Bronze Age archaeological site (5000 years ago) in Jericho and Nimrud in Israel. The Sumerians had planted a pomegranate tree under palm trees at about 3000 BC. Pomegranates are very often referred to in the Old Testament. In the Quran surat Al Rahman verse 68, Pomegranate (Rumman) called 3 times as much as other than the date palm fruit that grows in heaven. After studying various ancient text sources, experts theorize that pomegranate may be "apples" who grew up in the Garden of Eden. Latin name of pomegranate, Punica granatum, means that a lot of apple seeds.

Traditional Medicine

In addition to the food, pomegranate health benefits have been known and used widely in many cultures. Use of the most famous in the world is as intestinal worming (root extract). In the Ebers Papyrus, dated 1530 BC, pomegranate root decoction is listed as the intestinal parasite drugs, the use of which continues today. In Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine), pomegranate called as a substance that cool effect, especially in the marrow, blood and nerves. A century Greek physician named Soranus 2, an early writer gynecology in ancient history, mentions pomegranate seeds as oral contraceptives and vaginal suppositories, in his work on five prescription utilization pomegranate. Other authors such as Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Ibn Sina has explained the use of pomegranate seeds to prevent conception. Today, pomegranate seeds are still used as a folk contraception in some African regions.

modern research

In the last decade, hundreds of scientific papers have been published about the pomegranate. Many magical effects of pomegranate has been proven in studies and human clinical trials. If you have not been eating or drinking pomegranate juice on a regular basis, here are nine reasons why you need to do:

1. antioxidants

Recent research shows that pomegranates are rich in anthocyanidins are potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Pomegranate juice is touted to have more antioxidants than "super foods" such as red wine, green tea and blueberries. Antioxidants fight free radicals that can damage cells. This cellular damage associated with all sorts of diseases including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's.

2. protect the heart

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that pomegranate juice to combat hardening of the arteries and related diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Pomegranates prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries and can shed the previous plaque buildup.

Another study in the Journal of Cardiology found that patients of coronary heart disease (CHD) who drank pomegranate juice daily for three months showed an increase in blood flow to the heart about 17 percent. Blood flow has decreased by 18 percent in the placebo group.

3. Lowering bad cholesterol

According to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the antioxidants in pomegranates may reduce the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) in mice. This decrease in LDL cholesterol and raise HDL (good cholesterol).

4. Lowers blood pressure

One study showed that drinking 1.7 ounces of pomegranate juice per day lowered systolic blood pressure by 5 percent.

5. Prevent and treat cancer

Pomegranate fruit has efficacy to prevent and treat various types of cancer:

Studies in Israel show that pomegranate juice destroys breast cancer cells while allowing healthy cells. Pomegranate may also prevent the formation of breast cancer cells.
Fermented pomegranate seed extract is rich in polyphenols promote the recovery of leukemia cells returned to normal.
Studies in mice show that pomegranate juice may inhibit the development of lung cancer and prostate cancer. In a study of 50 men who had undergone prostate cancer treatment, consumption of 205 grams of pomegranate juice every day slows PSA doubling (the size of prostate cancer development) and reduce the need for further treatment such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy. None of the patients who develop cancer to spread beyond the prostate during the study.

Tips consuming pomegranate
When buying pomegranates, choose heavy and not cracked skin. When stored in the refrigerator, this fruit can last up to six months. But better eating fresh.

To open a pomegranate, first you have to cut the crown, then sliced ​​her skin from top to bottom in three or four parts. Open the pomegranate skin with your fingers and grab the contents of the bowl into the fruit.

Both meat and pomegranate seeds are edible. Pomegranate seeds are a source of fiber and nutrients that are good, if you feel comfortable eating it. Many properties there are in the seeds of pomegranates.

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