Monday 3 June 2013

These signs Frequently At Heart Attacks

Perhaps many of you who've never read the signs or symptoms of a heart attack from the literature. Of the many symptoms, chest pain and tightness may be a sign of the most popular of these attacks can be deadly.Heartbeats become irregular during the attack. Patients also often spend a lot of sweat, which is accompanied by nausea or vomiting
According to the specialist heart and blood vessel disease dr. Muhammad Zaini, Sp.JP (K), there really is not a typical symptom of a heart attack. But chest pain in the middle or left to be the most commonly recognized symptom.

"The pain can spread to other areas. Yet this pain is different with aches and pains or colds," Zaini said the seminar lay 'Heart Disease Can Be Treated', which was held RS. Premier Jatinegara Jakarta, Sunday (02/06/2013).
This pain can be accompanied by shortness of breath that can cause patients to experience sudden death. Chest pain in the middle or left due to the fast flowing blood flow in the blood vessels narrow.
The narrowness of the blood vessels in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) due to "boil" that are found in blood vessels inside. "Boils" contains lime, fat, or cholesterol.
Zaini said, 90 percent of heart disease due to the many "boils" or "bump" on the inside of blood vessels. "Boils" which broke causing blood to clot, and blocking the flow of the coronary vessels into the heart. As a result, the heart of the shortage of supply of nutrients and oxygen.
Thus, some of the heart muscle dies and can not perform its function as a blood pump. This condition is often referred to as heart failure. This gives the sensation of pain like pressure, or affected by a blunt object. Heartbeats become irregular during the attack. Patients also often spend a lot of sweat, which is accompanied by nausea or vomiting.
According to Zaini, heart attack symptoms are often mistaken for a cold or a stomach illness. Especially if the pain radiating to the neck, arms and solar plexus. Although, the pain of a heart attack can also spread to the jaw.
"The difference is in the activities undertaken previously. When the pain goes away after the break, it was caused by a heart attack," said Zaini.
Activities that deplete the physical and emotional capabilities, causes the heart to need extra nutrients and blood supply. Consequently, the blood flows faster to address the needs of the supply. Blood flow stimulates rapid onset of pain in the blood vessels. Zaini said, in fact it is difficult for the layman to distinguish the symptoms if there are relatives or her a heart attack.
"The important distinction when and how the pain is coming. Repeated and if the time comes after strenuous work, check with your doctor immediately," he said.

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