Sunday 2 June 2013

peganggang plants for health


is a plant that grows in moist areas. shaped vines and leaves are light green with a translucent glow. its leaves are round and bumpy. Her Bantang lagsung fused with roots so that almost no stem. roots are fibrous and watery.This plant is often encountered in the area of ​​fertile soil with a high mineral content and moist. rice or mountainous areas.
These plants live together as roots spread so grow new plants are not far from the parent plant.
This plant is very much its benefits in terms of both medical and traditional herbs for the need.
in medical terms this plant is useful to relieve swelling of the skin due to mosquito or insect bites. and is also able to improve blood circulation.
in terms of the traditional plants used for herbal beauty of being able to give a sense of relaxation in because of the smell that is not overpowering and contain lots of mineral water., and also many who use this plant as an herb to cure acne.

Several studies have been conducted on the leaves of this plant, for example, refers to research that gotu kola as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, or to improve memory (central nervous system), eczema (an open wound), and hepatitis. It relates to the matter content owned gotu kola, which asiaticiside, thankuniside, medecassoside, brahmoside, brahminoside, madastic acid, vitamins B1, B2, and B6.

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