Wednesday 5 June 2013

Tomato Benefits For Your Face

Tomato Benefits For Your Face

1. Skin Lightening and Overcoming Blackheads

Tomatoes are known to have benefits to eliminate blackheads and reduce blackheads appear again for tomato mask can reduce the oil on the skin. If combined with tomato avocado usefulness will be devastating. Avocado serves as a natural moisturizer and has anti-bacterial substances. How to make the mix tumbuklah the tomatoes and the avocado fruit with smooth, then apply all over the face as a mask. Then you let sit for 20-30 minutes. Then you rinse with clean water. This herb is suitable for oily and dry skin, due to a combination of these two materials produce vitamin A, C and E

3. As Natural Sunscreen

It turns out the benefits of tomato to the face can be used as a natural sunscreen. This natural sunscreen to protect your skin from the hot sun. Not only as a natural sunscreen, if your skin becomes inflamed due to sunburn, you can also add a bit of yogurt in tomatoes that has been destroyed then you apply on the parts that have inflammation in the face. The way is by crushing the tomatoes and splash it on your face sunburned directly.

3. Overcome Oily Skin

If you are experiencing skin problems with excess oil production, the tomatoes can also be used as an alternative to cope with oily face. How to make a potion so easily is grater or a blender then strain juicenya fresh tomatoes. Kemudaian add a little cucumber juice to the tomato juice and apply to your entire face. Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse.

4. For Face Acne

Tomatoes can also be used as an effective herb for treating acne. In the acne drug found to contain Vitamin A and vitamin C, and tomatoes are also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and acidity in tomatoes helps you reduce and clear acne you have .. If you have mild acne, you can just put a piece of fresh tomatoes in thin slices yand already on your face. Leave for an hour then rinse with clean water. Perform this activity on a regular basis, you can do it every day.

5. Overcoming Big Pores on the Face

If you have pores large, this course will allow dirt into the skin of your face. So that it can increase the risk of skin infection by bacteria and dirt from outside. But do not worry, nature has provided a cure of tomatoes. Potion is take a tablespoon of fresh tomato juice, then add 2-4 drops of fresh lime juice. Use a cotton swab to apply the mixture rounded on the face. Note, after the massage rub your face in a circular motion. Let these ingredients last for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Perform this treatment regularly for maximum results. Do it every day or every other day is enough.

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