Wednesday 5 June 2013

Five Herbs Rich Benefits

Five Herbs Rich Benefits

In the world of herbal medicine, known to some potent plants believed to eliminate certain diseases. Not only treatment, some even asked as a herbal plant ingredients that can help get rid of scars.

The following five herbs you can make as a drug that you can use without fear of side effects.

1. Chamomile: pain
Chamomile is one of the most popular solutions for anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile works to relieve abdominal pain, muscle aches, and soothe frazzled nerves. You can take chamomile in a cup of hot tea or chamomile tea bags over using two tablespoons of chamomile flowers in your tea. Make sure you stir it well for ten minutes.

2. Aloe Vera: rejuvenating skin
We all know the benefits of aloe vera or aloe vera for beauty benefits. But did you know that aloe vera is also good as a natural herbal remedy for minor burns?

3. Garlic: remove the scars and ulcers
Garlic is known to have antibiotic properties that can eliminate even minor cuts or sores. However, you should know that the antibiotic properties of garlic can only be used when dicintang garlic, crushed or chewed raw. This is one of the natural herbal remedies that you can use in everyday life.

4. Peppermint: indigestion
Peppermint has long been known as a natural herbal remedy to cure indigestion. You can use peppermint in the form of raw or add fresh leaves in a cup of tea. Add two tablespoons of dried peppermint leaves in your hot tea, stir for ten minutes.

5. Ginseng: sexual dysfunction
In addition to providing an instant energy boost, ginseng is known to help erectile dysfunction. Ginseng is commonly available in tablet, capsule or tea. But the dose depending on individual circumstances. Make sure you consult with an expert before using ginseng as a natural herbal remedy to treat dysfunction ereks

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