Wednesday 5 June 2013

Efficacy of bitter leaf

Bitter herbs commonly used are the leaves, and bitter leaf is among the properties to treat inflammation and fever syphilis, the following is how to process and consume.

Efficacy of bitter leaf
Efficacy of bitter leaf - Paniculata (Andrographis paniculata Ness) is a plant species of the family including Acanthaceae, and includes species of wild plants that normally grow in garden open, or the edge of the river.

But now with the rapid advancement of the development of science and technology, particularly in the health sector is no longer bitter just as wild plants that are not useful, but it has become one of the types of herbs are nutritious and rich in benefits, and has been widely processed into herbal medicine.

Mute syphilis

Take 50 grams of bitter leaf

50 grams of cat whiskers

Mother ginger 50 grams

How to cultivate and consume it: the three ingredients we wash thoroughly, then we boiled with 1 liter of water, until the water is reduced is reduced by half. Drink the potion of water 4 times a day with a dose once drank two cups.

fever Take a handful of the fresh bitter leaf Mash until smooth

Add the ½ cup water

Stir so smooth, then strain the water grab

Drink the potion of water at once

Thus the discussion of the efficacy of soursop leaves this time on the efficacy of bitter leaf, may be useful and you are suffering pain will get better soon.

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