Monday 3 June 2013

Drinks Repellent Body Fat

                 When a person has been determined to undertake a program of weight loss, typically in their diet changes to focus more on solid foods only.

Though the number of calories that we eat from beverages, such as sodas, fruit juices and alcohol, can cause fat to accumulate. Do a simple change in the consumption of beverages that target weight loss of more easily achieved.

Water is the best beverage to help us lose fat. Water was easily available and quite effective cleanse toxins and increase metabolism. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day. If you get bored with the fresh taste, can add a slice of lemon into it.

green tea
Green tea contains a variety of substances that will help us fight the fat. Caffeine is the most content, but on the inside there is also a green tea catechins and other fat-burning substances. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that regular exercise combined with green tea will accelerate fat loss, especially around the abdomen and waist.

Milk helps weight loss in many ways. High calcium content will strengthen bones, it is certainly very important for those who exercise regularly. Milk also contains protein which will put a lot of energy in order to digest the body. Protein also makes us feel full. But you should choose low-fat milk that contains less saturated fat.

tomato juice
Tomato juice without sugar is a low-calorie beverage that is rich in antioxidants and fiber making the stomach feel full. You can drink it at breakfast or in between meals. If you do not like the taste, mix it with other fruits, such as oranges to make it more palatable to the tongue.

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